AE: Associated.Enterprises [self-preferential]
AIMvestor.com|.net|.org [eponymous ascension]
Anagnorisis: preceding Peripeteia
CAS: Computer Algebra System [algorithm-declared canonical]
CSEN: Complex Systems Experts Network [deliberative]
Data Science+: Non-Linear Algebra [analogue to Linear Algebra]
DAX: Data Analysis Expressions
Discrete Economics: see Guaranteed Economics
EA: Enterprise.Associates [self-preferencing]
Economic Deprivation: Reverse Engineering Alimentation [non-fomenting]
EMA: Economically Motivated Adulteration
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array [accelerated] [datum exfiltration]
FEWG: Financial Engineering Working Group
Guaranteed Economics: Seigniorage [ex. debenture]
Hedonic: Baseline Setpoint Reversion or Eudaimonia
HLS: High-Level Synthesis [set for Refactoring Transpilations]
HP–ME: High-Performance Maximum Entropy
HSTS: HTTP Strict Transport Security [fka: Force HTTPS]
II: Integrated.Industries [self-preferential]
KPI: Key Performance Indicators
LBA: Linear Bounded Automaton/Automata [liminal (technically)]
LFAF: Lichello Financial Attainment Foundation [beneficence; connotes denotation]
L–RC: Lichello-Roshan Conjecture [multimodal maxima CAS bijective function]
MCS1: Monte Carlo Simulation by Stanislaw Ulam and John Von Neumann
MCS2: Monte Carlo Simulator by Robert Lichello and Kaveh Roshan
(attestation to Robert Lichello; seminal by Kaveh Roshan) -
Michael King: Debt Peonage Requiem [absolved list, imbued]; Albertina
MoE: Mixture of Experts; see also CSEN
MVP: Minimum Viable Product [full stack] [net gearing]
Phi = 1.6180339887498948… [disambiguation]. Reciprocal negate 1 [-1]
PIB: Private Industry Bulletins [an American fintech compendium broadcast service
funded by the Automated Consortium System 14 Joint Powers Authority] -
Power BI: Power Business Intelligence [ex. reticulating splines] [thematic]
Programmatic Works: Power BI + CAS/DAX + RPA + Sigma X [re-enumeration]
RPA: Robotic Process Automation [ex. reticulation splines] [enumerated]
Sigma X: Goldman Sachs International Bank MTF; Goldman Sachs Paris Inc. Et Cie
RESERVED for ZFC: Zermelo-Fraenkel CAS Axiom